среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

How to extract emails from websites? Website email extractor.

I came across nice email extractor application I came across recently. It extracts email addresses from any site on Internet. All of them have emails. It happens that people leave emails and phones on sites open.

What if you have useful product and nobody knows about it. How to get your audience/customers know about your product/service? The more you advertise the better sales. Extract emails from websites. Enter the site name you want to scan and extract email addresses. Email extractor may harvest emails on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where audience is concentrated.

Email extractor software comes into play if you need to contact customers and let them know about your new service or product. How to find customer' email addresses from websites like blogs and forums ? One of the ways is to search them manually by using any search engine or run email extractor. One of the easiest ways to say about your products is to extract emails of people from websites and send them offers directly.

Email extractor may take out emails from mail boxes, documents , and so on. You might not know where your prospects live Use these keywords in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google. Do you know where your potential customers fritter time away on internet ? they are surf on websites such as forums and blogs.

You can find all emails scan all files on your disk and extract. In some cases you might not know sites you need to scan for emails but you know some keywords describing your potential customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the in application and press start button inside email extractor. Sometimes you don't need to scan and extract emails form the whole site but only one or list of pages. Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you.

суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Sanctions imposed by the EU towards Minsk, bearing fruit

Miroslav Lajcak: ...
Sanctions imposed by the EU against members of the official Minsk, bearing fruit.

This Miroslav Lajcak, High Representative for European foreign policy service, said in an interview with ...

According to Lajcak, the recent actions in silent protest in Belarus indicate that Alexander Lukashenko has lost total control over the country:.

... It can be seen in particular from the fact that recent demonstrations have been politically motivated, were caused by a severe economic and social situation of people. What is happening today in Belarus is of great importance ...

Since December of last year's Miroslav Lajcak has served as Managing Director for Russia, the ... Among other things, Lajcak worked on formulating an answer to the authorities of Belarus in Brussels after the violent suppression of post-election protests.

To date, the list of representatives of the official Minsk, who are subject to visa and financial sanctions on the European Union, included 193 people and 3 entities have.

Lajcak refused to speculate on the subject complement is the Foreign Ministers of the European Union the list - in response to the repression of the authorities of Belarus against participants of the silent protest:.

... It is recognized by the democratic forces in Belarus. This measure, which does not yield results immediately, but there is no doubt that they are bearing fruit. There is no doubt that the regime understands very well and feels all of these measures. We try to make our messages were regime in Minsk are very clear. We do not have a relationship with him for as long as it is not free and does not rehabilitate all political prisoners, ...

In an interview with ...

... We want to normalize the situation in Belarus and respect for values, for the law, the rights that are guaranteed to citizens of Belarus to the Constitution, but are not provided in real life. It's not about what the EU wants to take this or that person and take her in our territory, talking about how to improve the living conditions of people in Belarus. Such signals and signs we expect from Minsk, but still do not get ...